Today, I received the noble title of Baron from His Majesty the King of the Belgians for my work in improving the quality of life for people with dementia and their loved ones. The Royal Palace inspires me, as a 'Scientist in Wonder,' to continue dedicating myself to this cause in the years to come.

De Resonantiemethode

Communicatie en dementie
Tijd voor Max

Expo op NPO Radio 1
Expo Wat Alz? van OEI naar WAW

Expo in Het Journaal
Wat Alz? van OEI naar WAW!

Terzake over de gesprekstechnieken
Tijd maken voor mensen met dementie: 52 manieren om te blijven communiceren

Impressie Wandeling met Dirk De Wachter & Kasper Bormans
Lectures (click on lecture for more info)

Together with Emmanuel Stockman, I wrote the book The Art of Remembering. Armonea is gifting the book to all 8,000 residents in their care homes across the country. It is a book with a significant impact, designed to connect generations.

The launch of the book Swinging to the Rhythm of People with Dementia and the training The Resonance Method with mentor Dirk De Wachter. The swing was designed by unik-id and donated by Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen to the Edouard Remy Residential Care Center in Leuven.

Round Table: The Royal Palace as a Memory Palace - The King of the Belgians is organizing a national meeting to form a strong network for people with dementia, aimed at improving collaboration and quality of life. I am delighted that my research serves as a driving force and source of inspiration.

Today, I had the honor of presenting our intergenerational research (Maastricht University) at the Alzheimer's Disease International Congress in Krakow.

His Majesty the King of the Belgians visits our exhibition on research with children's drawings: From OH! To AWE!